Life After a Well: The Aftercare of Decommissioned Water Wells

Life After a Well: The Aftercare of Decommissioned Water Wells

In the realm of water well services, we often focus on the journey of acquiring, maintaining, and repairing water wells. However, there arrives a time when a well reaches its end of life or is no longer needed, leading to decommissioning. Proper aftercare of these decommissioned wells is not only vital for the environment but also for the safety and regulatory compliance of homeowners, businesses, and communities in Colorado.

Why Aftercare Matters

Decommissioned wells, when not professionally handled, can pose significant risks. They may serve as conduits for surface contaminants to reach groundwater, causing environmental damage and potentially impacting other active wells nearby. Additionally, such wells can lead to physical hazards, posing risk to people and animals who might unsuspectingly stumble upon them. Lastly, improper aftercare can lead to legal liabilities as Colorado state laws require proper well abandonment procedures.

Proper Decommissioning and Aftercare

This process involves several stages:

1. Assessment and Planning 

Decommissioning a well start with an evaluation of the well, identifying any unique challenges posed by its structure or location. With this information, a detailed decommissioning plan is created.

2. Well Plugging 

This involves filling the well with certain materials (usually bentonite clay, cement, or a combination) to ensure it’s sealed off from surface to bottom, preventing the vertical transmission of contaminants.

3. Site Rehabilitation 

Once the well is securely plugged, site rehabilitation starts. This typically includes activities like removing well equipment, restoring the site to blend in with its surroundings, and monitoring for environmental impact.

Trust GeoWater Services

The lifecycle of a water well doesn’t end once it’s decommissioned – the steps taken after decommissioning make a significant impact on the environment and safety of surrounding inhabitants. GeoWater Services takes great pride in guiding homeowners, businesses, and communities through this often-overlooked aspect of water well ownership. 

Contact us today to learn more about decommissioning and aftercare of wells. We proudly serve the Colorado Mountain Communities, Denver Metro Area, and Colorado Front Range.

Contact Us Today to Learn More or Schedule a Service.

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